Delivering solutions to your writing challenges - throughout the United States and territories

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Fish and Wildlife Administrator / Policy)
Leading Policy Branch/Team: Over 13 years experience leading policy efforts for the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program (WSFR)
· Joint Federal/State Task Force on Federal Assistance Policy (JTF), WSFR Policy representative member

Skills sets: Collaborating/Interpreting laws and policies/Investigating and researching policy/ Developing whitepapers, informational presentations, draft and final policies/Writing regulations, Service Manual chapters, WSFR guidance/Assessing how policies interact and effect current programs

New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (Environmental Program Analyst)
· Grant writing and project development. Successful in writing applications for and implementing projects for grants totaling $10.8 million in Federal funding, plus non-Federal cost sharing.
· Developing active partnerships with other State agencies, local agencies, neighboring States, Federal partners, marinas and marina associations, boater organizations, and other interested parties – creating a network for success.
· Developing outreach in the form of brochures, fact sheets, surveys, website, forms, and templates.
· Creating annual award competitions for excellence in grant performance.
· Creating a contest for K – 12 students to learn about boating, the grant program, and clean water, and enter drawings to compete for space in a calendar.
· Cooperating with neighboring State to create charts for location of grant-supported services and supporting information about boating and clean water.
· Developing cooperative relationships for the grant program on State and National levels.
· Developing with IT staff a customized grant management database with capability to interactively produce communication documents.

NYS Department of Health, Oneonta District Office (Senior Sanitarian)

· Writing inspections, summaries, follow-up letters and other communication
· Collaborating with permittees and writing required fire plans for many in my territory. This was especially important as for many operators, English was not their primary language and this service assisted them to have the required plan on file – and also to ensure they understood their responsibilities should a file occur on the premises.
· Developing guidance for the public on implementing the new No Smoking policies.
· Developing guidance for the public on ADA requirements and associating them with the benefits of adding accessibility to a business. This was an important factor in connecting benefits to access for people of all abilities with the financial concerns of small business owners. This document and my follow-up support during routine visits with business owners helped to expand physical accessibility to dining, overnight accommodations, children’s camps, and other opportunities for fun and engagement.
· Developing training materials for food service workers and owners and delivering training at courses, as well as when conducting inspections. My philosophy when conducting Health Department inspections was that understanding for WHY the regulations existed and training in HOW to ensure they are followed is more long-lasting and effective for public health than enforcement activities that typically just make people angry and do not correct all problems.
· Preparing written testimony when enforcement action was needed.

NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Public Water Supply Protection (Public Health Technician)
· Published work for the U.S. Geological Survey on public water supplies in NYS. Completed GPS mapping work and descriptive text in the book.
· Interviewed by author for information and accuracy in support of her children’s book, The Trip of a Drip (Vicki Cobb, 1986)
· Writing an extensive white paper on Trihalomethanes, a harmful compound created when chlorine mixes with organic matter. In our work with public water supplies,
this was an emerging, important matter.

My Experience

Member, Circle of Success
Case Study Certification

Awards and Engagement

Clear Mark Award (2013) for excellence in plain writing in a proposed regulation. The Clear Mark Awards set a high standard for clarity and simplicity in the materials created by North American companies, governments, and organizations and is presented by the Center for Plain Language. Lisa also participated with a CPL Team which developed guidance documents supporting developing and executing better plain language skills.

Outstanding Service Award (2022) Presented to an individual or an agency who has made either a contribution to provide improved access for boaters and anglers to our nation’s public waters. These contributions can relate to such activities as: obtaining funding at the national or a state level for boating access acquisition or improvement; enactment of legislation or policies that protects and improves the public’s right to access the nation’s waters; and similar activities.

Special Recognition Award (2014) Presented to an individual, group, organization or political subdivision in recognition of activities that are singularly illustrative or supportive of SOBA’s mission. These activities can take various forms ranging from providing organizational support to SOBA, completion of special assignments for SOBA, providing leadership within or on behalf of SOBA, and for general leadership in public boating access issues.

Judge: Junior Duck Stamp (2023 and 2013)

Judge: Nonlethal Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict (2023)


· Partnership Academy Managing by Network (MbN) and Collaborative Conservation – Partnerships in Practice
(Graduate of both programs, with honors) Trainer, Contractor, Co-Facilitator (2020 – 2024)

· Barrier Analysis Team (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)

· Mentoring Advisory Working Group (2021 – 2022)

· Mentoring Program Lead

· Climate Change Coordination Group, and Policy subteam

· Pollinator Team (2010 – 2022); Policy and Planning subteam (2021)

· Member of the Joint Federal/State Task Force for Federal Assistance Policy (December 2015 – December 2022)


Organizing staff activities with the local community and other organizations supporting environmental excellence, such as:

Annual Earth Day Clean-up: NYS Canal Corporation parks / City of Albany: Labeling drains to help prevent disposal of toxic/harmful substances that would create water pollution / Multiple Earth Day events / Bring You Child to Work Day events /Selling T-shirts and reusable bags with proceeds going to environmental causes