Delivering solutions to your writing challenges - throughout the United States and territories

Partnership Engagement

Case Studies provide an approach for you to highlight your business, organization, NGO, or other initiative by presenting personal experiences that individuals have had that show how your product, approach, initiative, etc. has helped them solve a problem or met a need in their lives.

Whitepapers generally give you a deep dive into problems or challenges in a research, journalistic manner that provides readers with information that will guide them to understand a solution to their problem/challenge and prompt them to investigate what you have to offer. There are various types of white papers, each serving specific needs and desired outcomes - but all are done with research, facts, and information as the key resource.

Website Audits will help you identify why your website is not working for you - or how it can work better. An audit digs into your website's purpose, goals, audience, competition, and messaging. The report assesses clarity, customer focus, competition, conversion optimization, and consistency, identifying areas and approaches for improvement.

Services we provide

Grant Application Consultation, Development, and Writing
Policy Research, Understanding, and Development / SOPs

Need support managing a project? Maybe you just need temporary help? With a Certificate in Project Management, which I applied to my daily work for decades, I can be an extra resource for you.

Are you seeking State, Federal, or NGO grant funding? My extensive experience applying for State and Federal awards as a State employee, partnering with agencies and NGOs in grant projects, and developing policy for a Federal grant-awarding agency all give me experience and insights into the process that can help you. I can read the notice of funding opportunity and advise you on approaches, help you develop your project, write your application, direct you to potential partnership opportunities, and help monitor your project as needed.

Need assistance researching laws or policies affecting you? Need help developing your own policies, operating procedures, or other documents that help guide your business or endeavor? I have experience researching laws and policies, advising staff on the implications of new laws and policies, and developing regulations, guidance, standard operating processes, public health safety and response plans, and educational materials that assist in understanding laws and policies. (Disclaimer: I am not an attorney)

Are you interested in engaging partners with common interests to provide mutually beneficial benefits? Not sure how to get started? As a graduate of the Partnership and Community Collaboration Academy's Managing by Network and Collaborative Conservation: Partnerships in Practice and a current supporting instructor for the Academy, I can help advise you on strategies to make the most of partnership opportunities.

Project Management

Expanding on my passions for writing and helping people solve problems, I have been training following my "retirement" on various ways to use my writing skills to help businesses and organizations. I will continue to expand my skillsets to include meaningful ways to help you meet your goals....